What is a town without its denizens? Belarive is home to all kinds of monsters and mythical creatures - all of which take many shapes and sizes. Dragons, fae folk, sphinxes, and even ghosts have found a place in our little town.
Most monsters are valid to use, so long as they have some basis in folklore and mythology - so don’t be afraid to get creative!
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RESTRICTIONSNO GOSThese creatures are off-limits and cannot be found in Belarive. Applications for these creatures will not be accepted, period. |
When we have an overabundance of a monster type, we may end up ‘suspending’ it until there’s more creature diversity in the group. If there’s any suspended monsters, they’ll be listed below.
❐ None at the moment!
When creating your character, here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure they fit in our small town!
❐ Characters don’t need to be humanoid in shape, but they must be sapient. (They may be monsters, but they’re not animals!)
❐ There’s no set height limit, but your character needs to be capable of moving around and living in town comfortably. (For example, large creatures such as Kaiju wouldn’t be able to live in town without being scaled down considerably.)
❐ While there’s a minimum age requirement for characters, there is no upper limit to how old they can be. (Some species live for a very long time, after all!)
❐ Fashion ranges anywhere from late 80s to early 2000s, due to the towns disconnect from the outside world.
❐ Contacts, piercings, body modifications, and hair dye are allowed!
In order to submit a character to Boogey Bay, you first have to fill out a Visual and Written application. This helps give a good idea of what your character looks like, as well as how you plan to play them.
This is a visual reference of your character. We require at least a colored full body - with a headshot or additional art being optional for the ID photo.
We allowed colored sketches and ‘unfinished’ artwork, just be sure the design is still readable.
If using a commission for your fullbody or fanart for your headshot/ID photo, be sure you have permission to do so and credit the artist in question.
The information below must be included alongside your visual app! Any application that's missing information not listed as optional will not be approved.
Name: (Last names are optional!)
Species:(Refer to "Species Information" below for more info on what to put here!)
Age: (Must be at least 13 years or older.)
Sexuality: (Optional.)
Height: (Keep in mind how they’ll interact with the world!)
Occupation: (Do they work? Are they a student?)
Level: (All characters start at level 0.)
Heart | Charm | Cool | Sharp | Tough | Weird
Abilities: (Characters start with 1 abiility.)
Trivia/Other: (Anything else you'd like to add, such as fun facts or voice claims. This is optional.)
At Boogey Bay, applications can either be posted on google docs or deviantArt -so long as the written and visual application are all in one place.
Text must be legible and properly spaced, that way it's easier for moderators to read. This means small text, clashing colors, and custom fonts should be used sparingly.
If you'd like ideas on how to format your application, feel free to look at applications already accepted in the group. We also offer preexisting character templates that can be customized to better fit your character - just remember to credit the person who created the template you're using!
template by @garbagedeity
template by @garbagedeity
template by @
template by @
This is where you’d tell us more about your character's species. Any natural strengths and weaknesses they may have would go here - as well as any additional information you may wish to add!
Characters start with two natural strengths, but must have one drawback - such as a vampire's weakness to sunlight or a werewolf’s aversion to silver.
ABILITIESAbilities are specific powerful things your character can do; such as cast spells or turn into a beast. They take on a more proactive role, and require some level of additional effort to do. |
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Personality will determine how a character is played and how they interact with the world. A hot headed character might get in trouble more often due to their anger issues, or a socially awkward character may find it more difficult to make friends.
There’s no paragraph requirement when it comes to writing your character's personality. Just make sure to give us a good picture of how your character reacts to things and how they impact the people around them.
For backstory, we’d like to know the history of your character - such as major life events that shaped them into who they are now, where they grew up, etc.
Whether they’re a local in town or if they moved into Belarive later in life - the most important thing we’d like to know is how they got here!
Backstories can be done in a paragraph style or in bullet points, so long as they answer these questions and give us a general gist of your character's story.
Stats gauge how your character interacts with the world and play an important role in events. They act as modifiers for any dice rolls, and each stat represents a different area of expertise.
Below is an explanation of each stat and how they work!
Charm - How charismatic is your monster? Charm determines how well your monster fairs in social situations and how others view them.
Cool - Does your monster do well under pressure? Cool dictates how well your monster can navigate during high stress situations, or how well they handle themselves when under duress.
Sharp - Is your monster book smart or street smart? Sharp is a stat based more on intelligence and perception. A monster with a high Sharp score is more likely to notice clues or make connections others may not even notice.
Tough - How well can your monster handle themselves in a fight? Tough is how well your monster does in physical combat, as well as a measure their combat prowess in general.
Weird - Does your monster have a knack for magic? Weird is a stat that’s connected to magic and the unorthodox. This stat relates to using magic, as well as sensing its presence.
A Monster with a low Weird score is more likely to fail at casting a spell. Negative scores in this stat can even cause the spells to backfire - if they’re not careful.
Heart is its own thing, separate from the other stats. It’s essentially how many times a character can try and fail at something harmful - or how many hits they can take in combat.
For example; if your character is rolling to do something dangerous, a failed roll would result in them losing a heart. If a character loses all of their hearts, they cannot try again until the end of an encounter OR until they are healed.
Most rolls are non consequential and don’t reduce Heart; so don’t be afraid to fail!
Each character starts with three hearts.
Similar to point buy in DND and other table top RPGs, your character's stat modifiers are determined by the amount of points put into them!
Characters start at level 0 and are given 22 stat points to distribute amongst each stat. Your character must have a minimum one point in each stat - and no stat can exceed seven points. (At least for now!)
A handy chart of the points and their modifiers can be seen below:
P | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
M | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 |
Once you've finished your application, it's time to submit! Just link your application in the #app-submissions channel on discord and the moderators will go over it. If no corrections are needed, your application will be approved and added to the database.
If there are any issues, there's no need to fear — a moderator will contact you privately and help go over anything that may need to be adjusted.
After your character is accepted, you're free use them anywhere in the group.